Graphic Designer Position

Expansio is a turquoise Software House. On the internet you can also find us under the name 'turquoise startup' ('turkusowy startup' in Polish). Why? Because, apart from programming services, we develop our own startup products. You can read more information about a turquoise company here:
We take into account your communication skills, values and your knowledge during the recruitment process. It is not without reason that the knowledge is listed last. We greatly care about the high quality of our work and constantly improve it but the right values are the foundation of our work. On their basis we build valuable, innovative, durable products.
We are looking for people who like themselves and other people. If values such as respect, responsibility and trust are important for you, you may be a good fit for us.
If you like working on innovative products and at the same time a turquoise organization seems like something for you - do not hesitate, write to us! We have a technologically strong team. However, if you feel that you do not meet all the requirements of the offer but you are disciplined and have a great desire to learn, then go ahead and write to us - let's talk.
We can also arrange an informal meeting over a cup of coffee or tea to get to know each other better.

We are looking for an experienced graphic designer. If you:
- Have experience in programs for processing raster and vector graphics (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape)
- Have experience in programs for interactive prototypes (e.g. Adobe XD, InVision)
- Have the ability to work in a team
- Are responsible
Please apply.

What we offer:
- Turquoise work atmosphere in our office at Poznań Science and Technology Park, ul. Rubież 46
- Innovative startup projects
- Decisiveness in company matters, transparency of information
- Possibility to work remotely from time to time
- Multisport
- B2B cooperation. Contract work (umowa o dzieło) is possible for students (part-time job).
- Multisport
- Time for self-development at work
- Trainings
- Integration with the team
Salary: up to 4500 PLN takehome salary.