Mutual benefits

The benefits of the game apply to both employees and employers.

Real benefits

ETG gives a great opportunity not only to implement an innovative form of education, but also to let the gamers (and real workers!) integrate with the team and feel as a part of the company.

Productivity growth

Thanks to ETG, VW gained a well-trained team, whose knowledge went beyond their daily duties at work, and highly motivated employees willing to improve their competences. It can therefore be concluded that a noticeable productivity growth in the company was a natural consequence of completing the test phase of Enter the Game.

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Our desire was to create a credible, educational and enjoyable mobile app for Volkswagen employees that makes them so proud that they will brag about it to their family and friends. Together with VW, we aimed at an effective combination of innovation, creativity and fun. But above all, we wanted to create a captivating game that will help its players find engagement and a sense of belonging in the workplace.