See selected features


Publish posts with images and videos to inform about news in the company. After our first deployment in just 5 days over 5000 employees downloaded the app, clicked over 1000 times the “like it” button and left a few hundred comments in the news section.

Shift schedules

Check your own shift schedule in the calendar. Colours indicate the details of a given day. You may also add personal notes.

Polls and quizzes

Get feedback from the employees by using polls. Ask about their opinion on a given subject through open and closed questions with single and multiple choices.
Verify the knowledge of the employees through quizzes with prizes for the winners.


Let the employees ask questions through chat. The answers may be given by administrators but the app is also ready to integrate with a chatbot. Read more about our BigData Chatbot here.


Show company events in an easy-to-use calendar. Set reminders about the upcoming events.

Integrate with other systems

Integrate with the recruiting system, company canteen or other systems. Do you have more needs? Vacation requests, overtime management, video live streaming or others? Let’s talk.